Disney Headquarters in London

From 9 a.m. to 3:45 p.m. we went to Disney headquarters with our class. It’s the Walt Disney Company headquarters for Europe, Middle East and Africa (EMEA). In the morning we got to see an advanced screening of Inside Out in 3D. Although it’s already been out in the U.S. for quite some time, the movie doesn’t premiere here until Friday. It was one of the best movies I have seen in a while, and yes, it will make you cry.


Watch your hand, Mickey

Afterwards, we got (free) lunch at Disney Cafe. Maureen and I had salmon and quinoa. In the afternoon, we met with executives in programming, marketing, animation and production. They were all really interesting presentations, especially marketing because that’s more of what I’m interested in pursuing after college. We also got to see and hear about some of Disney’s upcoming shows they are in the midst of creating. Overall, it was probably one of my favorite days in London. We even got goodie bags at the end. 
In the evening, we went on the London Eye. It took a half hour and had great views of Parliament, the Thames and Buckingham Palace, just to name a few places. Storm clouds started coming in after we got off. 

Tomorrow we’re spending the day at Brighton Beach and have to get up early yet again to catch the train. Life doesn’t slow down in London!
